This performance is an exploration of human existence and its dualism between light and darkness, inspired by the behavior of moths, creatures attracted and oriented towards a source of light that consumes and transforms their body. The human body becomes a hybrid that wanders in the night, fragile and vulnerable, suspended in an inert environment outside of time, through a journey that is not only physical, but above all internal. The itinerary towards the source of light becomes a confrontation with the duality of existence: creation and destruction, life and death, flame and ash. The final fusion between body and light represents an act of transcendence, where bodily matter is assimilated into a higher form of existence, suggesting that what is perceived as destruction is actually a return to universal essence. In this fusion, everything lights up, burns and transforms into a single entity, a single mind, a single heart. It is a confrontation with the mystery of existence and the awareness that everything burns in the end, but from this flame emerges a new understanding: where nothing exists, everything exists.